Access to illustrations

How long do i have access?

Once you create an account, we encourage you to download the illustrations you need and to keep checking for updates and new illustrations.

  • Access to the download function of the website is given for a period of 1 year from the purchase date, after this year access is revoked

  • Whatever user downloads they can keep forever and use without restrictions

  • Renewal for another year of access cost 50% less and can be done by contacting us through live support or via email: (we do not renew automatically)

  • During the year of paid access user will receive all avalable packs on the website and all packs that will be released in the future during this year.

We care to produce an amazing product with the lowest cost possible to help you create better designs, the fees are minimal and made to sustain and continue on growing this project.

Thanks a lot for understanding.

Last updated